21. The minimum size of silt is 0.002 mm.(maximum size of clay)
22. If the soil pores are completely full of air only, the soil is dry soil.
23. The property of soil which is most important in case of settlement of structures is consolidation
24. WATER CONTENT/Moisture Content (w):- It is the ratio of weight of water (Ww) to the weight of soil solid (Ws). i.e. w = Ww / Ws . 0< W >100
25. VOID RATIO: - The ratio of the volume of voids (Vv) to the volume of soil solids (Vs). Approx void ratio for sandy soil is 0.6. i.e e = Vv / Vs e>100
26. POROSITY: - The ratio of the volume of voids to the total volume of soil mass. 0< n <100 Ƞ = Vv / v
27. SPECIFIC GRAVITY: - The ratio of weight of a given volume of soil at a given temperature (In India 27 degree celcious) to the weight of an equal volume of distilled water (both weights taken in air). G = γs / γw (γw = unit weight of water = 9.81 KN/m)
28. DEGREE OF SATURATION: - The ratio of volume of water present in the soil to the total volume of voids. 0< S < 100 Sr = Vw / Vv
29. AIR CONTENT: - Ratio of volume of air voids to the volume of total voids. i.e. ac = Va / Vv.
30. PERCENTAGE AIR VOIDS: - The ratio of volume of air voids to the total volume of soil mass
31. The degree of saturation for fully saturated soil is 1.For perfectly dry soil it is zero; for the moist soil it is 50 to75%.
32. Submerged Density or buoyance density= density – density of water.
33. Gravel & Sand is a non-cohesive coarse grained soil.
34. The specific gravity of a sandy soil is 2.7.
35. Decreasing order of soil density...... saturated →wet →dry → submerged.
36. Unit weight of soil is expressed in N/ m3.Density is expressed in kg/m3.
37. The water content of soil is accurately determined by Oven Drying Method. In this case soil sample is put in 1050 C to 1100 C; if Gypsum is used the temp. is 800 C. Accuracy in weight is 0.01gm.other methods are calcium carbide method, pycnometer method, sand bath method, alcohol method.
38. Specific gravity of a soil is determined by Pycnometer Method.
39. Stokes’s law is used to determine grain sizedistribution of soils whose grain size is finer than 0.075 mm upto 0.002mm. Sieving is not practicable for grain sizes smaller than about 0.075 mm.
40. Hydrometer Analysis is used for determining the density of soil suspension; in this case hydrometer is calibrated in 270 C; in these method three corrections to be done... a. Temperature correction, b.meniscus correction & c. dispersing agent correction
22. If the soil pores are completely full of air only, the soil is dry soil.
23. The property of soil which is most important in case of settlement of structures is consolidation
24. WATER CONTENT/Moisture Content (w):- It is the ratio of weight of water (Ww) to the weight of soil solid (Ws). i.e. w = Ww / Ws . 0< W >100
25. VOID RATIO: - The ratio of the volume of voids (Vv) to the volume of soil solids (Vs). Approx void ratio for sandy soil is 0.6. i.e e = Vv / Vs e>100
26. POROSITY: - The ratio of the volume of voids to the total volume of soil mass. 0< n <100 Ƞ = Vv / v
27. SPECIFIC GRAVITY: - The ratio of weight of a given volume of soil at a given temperature (In India 27 degree celcious) to the weight of an equal volume of distilled water (both weights taken in air). G = γs / γw (γw = unit weight of water = 9.81 KN/m)
28. DEGREE OF SATURATION: - The ratio of volume of water present in the soil to the total volume of voids. 0< S < 100 Sr = Vw / Vv
29. AIR CONTENT: - Ratio of volume of air voids to the volume of total voids. i.e. ac = Va / Vv.
30. PERCENTAGE AIR VOIDS: - The ratio of volume of air voids to the total volume of soil mass
31. The degree of saturation for fully saturated soil is 1.For perfectly dry soil it is zero; for the moist soil it is 50 to75%.
32. Submerged Density or buoyance density= density – density of water.
33. Gravel & Sand is a non-cohesive coarse grained soil.
34. The specific gravity of a sandy soil is 2.7.
35. Decreasing order of soil density...... saturated →wet →dry → submerged.
36. Unit weight of soil is expressed in N/ m3.Density is expressed in kg/m3.
37. The water content of soil is accurately determined by Oven Drying Method. In this case soil sample is put in 1050 C to 1100 C; if Gypsum is used the temp. is 800 C. Accuracy in weight is 0.01gm.other methods are calcium carbide method, pycnometer method, sand bath method, alcohol method.
38. Specific gravity of a soil is determined by Pycnometer Method.
39. Stokes’s law is used to determine grain sizedistribution of soils whose grain size is finer than 0.075 mm upto 0.002mm. Sieving is not practicable for grain sizes smaller than about 0.075 mm.
40. Hydrometer Analysis is used for determining the density of soil suspension; in this case hydrometer is calibrated in 270 C; in these method three corrections to be done... a. Temperature correction, b.meniscus correction & c. dispersing agent correction
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