41. Flow Lines and the Equipotential Lines are perpendicular to each other.
42. The Flow Net in seepage of water through a soil medium is a network of flow lines and equipotential lines.
43. Exit Gradient = ratio of the head loss to the length of seepage.
44. The unit of co efficient of compressibility has its unit inverse of pressure.
45. Co efficient of compressibility decreases with the increase of pressure. It is (e0 – e)/ δp.
46. The decrease in void ratio per unit increase of pressure is called Coefficient of Compressibility.
47. Unit of Coefficient of Consolidation has unit cm2 /sec.It is used for evaluating time rate of settlement.
48. The change in volume of soil per unit of initial volume due to a given unit of pressure is called Coefficient of Volume Compressibility. It is directly proportional to the coefficient of compressibility.
49. The strength of a soil is generally identified by Ultimate Shear Test.
50. The expansion of a soil due to shear at a constant value of pressure is called Dilatancy.
51. The density of sand at which there is no change in volume under the influence of shear strain is critical density.
52. The angle of internal friction of soil for round grained loose sand is 250 to 300 .In case of dense sand it is 320 to 370 .
53. According to Columb Theory shearing strength of soil is → S = C + σ tan φ, s = shear stress, c = coloumb Constant, σ = normal stress on the plane of shear.
54. The frictional resistance offered by sand is sliding friction, rolling friction, resistance due to interlocking.
55. The Earth Pressure at Rest is defined as the lateral pressure exerted by a soil when the retaining wall has no movement relative to backfill. It is measured by theory of elasticity. It equals to μ /(1 – μ ), μ = Poisson’s ratio.
56. The Active Earth Pressure of a soil is the lateral pressure exerted by the soil when the retaining wall tends to move away from the backfill.
57. Cohesion reduces active earth pressure intensity but increase passive earth pressure intensity.
58. The lateral earth pressure is directly proportional to the square of depth of soil.
59. Stoke’s law does not hold good if the size of the particle is smaller than 0.0002 mm.
60. For general engineering purposes soils are classified by unified soil classification system.
42. The Flow Net in seepage of water through a soil medium is a network of flow lines and equipotential lines.
43. Exit Gradient = ratio of the head loss to the length of seepage.
44. The unit of co efficient of compressibility has its unit inverse of pressure.
45. Co efficient of compressibility decreases with the increase of pressure. It is (e0 – e)/ δp.
46. The decrease in void ratio per unit increase of pressure is called Coefficient of Compressibility.
47. Unit of Coefficient of Consolidation has unit cm2 /sec.It is used for evaluating time rate of settlement.
48. The change in volume of soil per unit of initial volume due to a given unit of pressure is called Coefficient of Volume Compressibility. It is directly proportional to the coefficient of compressibility.
49. The strength of a soil is generally identified by Ultimate Shear Test.
50. The expansion of a soil due to shear at a constant value of pressure is called Dilatancy.
51. The density of sand at which there is no change in volume under the influence of shear strain is critical density.
52. The angle of internal friction of soil for round grained loose sand is 250 to 300 .In case of dense sand it is 320 to 370 .
53. According to Columb Theory shearing strength of soil is → S = C + σ tan φ, s = shear stress, c = coloumb Constant, σ = normal stress on the plane of shear.
54. The frictional resistance offered by sand is sliding friction, rolling friction, resistance due to interlocking.
55. The Earth Pressure at Rest is defined as the lateral pressure exerted by a soil when the retaining wall has no movement relative to backfill. It is measured by theory of elasticity. It equals to μ /(1 – μ ), μ = Poisson’s ratio.
56. The Active Earth Pressure of a soil is the lateral pressure exerted by the soil when the retaining wall tends to move away from the backfill.
57. Cohesion reduces active earth pressure intensity but increase passive earth pressure intensity.
58. The lateral earth pressure is directly proportional to the square of depth of soil.
59. Stoke’s law does not hold good if the size of the particle is smaller than 0.0002 mm.
60. For general engineering purposes soils are classified by unified soil classification system.
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