1.The rock has more fire resisting characteristics-Compact sand stone
2.The rocks which are formed due to cooling of magma at a
considerable depth from earth's surface are called- Plutonic rocks
3.Plywood has the advantage of-Same
tensile strength in all directions
4.Due to attack of dry rot, the timber -Reduces to powder
5.Excess of alumina in brick earth makes the brick-To crack and warp on drying
6-The constituent of cement which is responsible for all the
undesirable properties of cement is-Tri-calcium aluminate
7.Inner part of a timber log surrounding the pitch, is called -Heart wood
8.For testing compressive and tensile strength of cement, the
cement mortar is made by mixing cement and standard sand in the proportions of- 1 : 3
9.If ‘P’ is the percentage of water required for normal consistency, water
to be added for determination of initial setting time, is-0.85 P
10.The basic purpose of a retarder in concrete is -To increase the initial setting time of cement paste in concrete
11.Clay and silt content in a good brick earth must be at least-50 %
12. The purest form of iron-Wrought
13.If the iron ore contains clay as an impurity, the flux added
during calcination, is-Lime stone
14.The stretcher bond in brick masonry can be used only when the
thickness of wall is- 90 mm
15.The plywood-Has greater impact resistance to
blows than ordinary wood
16.Early attainment of strength in rapid hardening cement is mainly
due to-Finer grinding
17.Cements contains maximum percentage of dicalcium silicate-Low heat cement
18.Stresses is used for identifying the quality of structural steel-Yield stress
19.Quick lime-(A) Generates heat when added to
water, (B) Reacts with carbon
dioxide, (C) May be used for white-washing
20.A mortar joint in masonry which is normal to the
face of wall is known as - Cross joint
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